Steam Jet Ejectors
Nash has been designing, manufacturing and troubleshooting steam jet air ejector systems since 1986. Steam ejectors provide vacuum in many process industries and utility companies. Combining low capital cost, simple operation, high reliability and the ability to handle large volumes at very high vacuum levels, they can be optimized to contribute to process enhancement and operational efficiency.
Nash Steam Jet Ejectors:
- Are available in a wide variety of materials
- Designs for ejectors range in size from a one inch inlet to a 78 inch (2 m) inlet
- Ejectors have matching standard barometric condenser designs
- Require no moving parts, translating into trouble-free continuous operation
- Operate efficiently for high vacuum and high volumetric flow requirements
- Are manufactured and tested (actual ejector or pilot ejector) per HEI standards
to guarantee performance - Are most suitable for minimizing capital cost, particularly on batch process applications
- Reduce operating costs when optimized in stages with Nash liquid ring vacuum pumps.
These hybrid systems also enhance vacuum stability
Typical Applications Include:
- Metal Degasifying: Multistage ejector systems/hybrid systems to achieve absolute pressures of less than 1 torr
- Petrochemical: Single and multistage ejector systems/hybrid systems are used, dependent on the application
- Refineries: Multistage ejector systems/hybrid systems for crude distillation columns
- Power: Two-stage ejector system for use as a condenser exhauster
- Edible-Oil: Multistage ejector systems/hybrid systems for deodorizing, bleaching and other applications
- Single and multistage systems for other general and chemical applications
- Ethylene glycol driven ejectors for polyester processing
- Graphite ejectors for wet HCl service